Robovirus - 1.0.0 launch

It is time to release RoboVirus. Get ready to rumble with all new menu and new game mode 'Deathmatch' and game feel changes!

The new selection lobby makes starting games easier and allows more ease at configuration.
We have released the new Deathmatch game mode where player with the most kills will earn the crown and be the victor.

This update features:

  • New Main menu
  • Deathmatch game mode
  • Balancing of weapons and dash
  • Improvements to bots
  • New music

New Main Menu

Redone Character selection

Change rules menu
Rules are now on their own window
You can now also decide the amount of bots you want in the game!

Level selection facelift
You can see the levels with much more detail in the level selection and choose your favourite starting level

Deathmatch game mode
Along the normal 'last man standing' game mode players can also select deathmatch game mode where the player with the most kills will win.

Balancing of weapons and dash
Tweaked multiple different weapons to feel equally balanced and the dash to feel powerful enough and be used often enough

  • Missile Launcher has less ammo and fire rate. This is a nerf!
  • Mini gun has limited ammo but should not run out too faster
  • Dash has slightly longer duration and more stun effects
  • Dash has impact sound

Improvements to bots
Bots were struggling in some levels with moveable objects so the settings for their routing were enhanced.
We added rudimentary hazard avoidance for them, bots will return to playing area if for some reason outside of it and find targets better

New music
Several new tracks from the awesome collection by Deceased Superior Technician(DST)
Fast paced tracks that speed you to blast your enemies!

Online multiplayer will not be making into the release version, but it will be implemented soon!

If you have any suggestions, you can suggest them in the comment sections or in our Discord server [].

Files 348 MB
Version 1.0.2 Sep 04, 2019 350 MB
Version 1.0.2 Sep 04, 2019

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